DIY Unique Built-In Bunk Beds!

DIY Unique Built-In Bunk Beds!

Pregnant with #4 in a three bedroom house, we find it’s time to start stacking kids!  So, this weekend, we built one of two bunks! 🙂  Here’s the process… not tutorial, sorry.  We had to jump through some pretty unique hoops to build these beds, but if you have a handy husband, maybe you can figure it out too!

The inspiration for this project came from Pinterest – where else!?! Here’s some photos.

Photo Credit

Photo Credit – not sure where the photo is on this site… it’s where Pinterst brought me.

For our “Blueprints” we used Microsoft Publisher.  Did you know that you can zoom waaaaay out in Publisher and create actual life-size to scale “blueprints” of sorts?  You’ll get all your measurements just the way you want them!

Here’s a shot of the empty closet.  I have the top section of a desk stuck up on the shelf for extra shelving.  It’s screwed to the wall.

The kids a re fairly excited for this project to begin!  We’ve been collecting supplies for quite a while & they are more than ready for their “bunk beds”!

Phase 1

Demolition.  The closet was 4 inches too short for the toddler mattresses, so we dug into the wall for the extra space.  On the other side of this wall is a tiny hall coat closet.  We (“we” being my husband with the power tools, and me behind the camera!)… we had to cut through the first layer of drywall, remove the studs, rebuild the wall’s structure, and build the bunks.  Thank God I have a handy husband!

The completed “hole in the wall”… now to remove the studs and rebuild the structure of the wall.

Phase 2:

Construction!  Here’s the bottom bunk frame… about 12″ off the floor to make room for some “drawers” and other storage underneath.

Measuring for the top frame

Installing the top bunk platform… about 30″ from the bottom one.

And then Gramma showed up for a visit and was more than excited to help!  Yeah!

Phase 3:


We scavenged these headboard style shelves out of another shelf I’d found in the thrift store free pile!  This wasn’t in the original “plans” but I’m glad we added them!

Phase 4:

Ladder & Railing

While I was at the store buying some “Hot Mud” (Fast drying drywall mud for all the dents in the wall from the demo part), Jesse built all this for the ladder & railing!

Finished Ladder & Railing

A view of the shelves

Phase 5:

Sanding.  Thankfully a neighbor had an electric sander we could borrow!

Phase 6:

Painting… Almost done!!!

Color #1 Finished

Color #2

Color #2 Done… That means the painting is done!!!!

Phase 7:

Toyboxes… we had two but they were too tall, so Jesse cut them down about 4 inches allowing them to be “drawers” under the bottom bed.

Phase 8:

Bedding and a final photo shoot… and two proud parents! 🙂  Yeah.

Here’s a view with the entertainment center turned play kitchen (which a friend of mine blogged about in case you’re interested).

BTW:  Test subject #1 says the beds turned out perfect!

We don’t yet have a toddler mattress or bedding set (I love this frog one and this train one!) for the bottom bunk (working on that), so I stole a patio chair cushion from the back yard.  It’ll do as a “reading nook” space until we get a mattress & move LaLa in here! 🙂

About GranolaMom

My passion is natural living, cleaning, teaching, being. I hope you'll join me as I discover new things and pursue the best in whatever life throws at me. Most of what I post will be homeschool related as that is my focus now and in the years to come, but I have posted and will probably post more about cloth diapering, natural foods, and clean living as well. Enjoy and I hope you find something useful here. :)

44 responses »

  1. You are awesome! I was looking online to see ideas on how to build my sons beds into their closet without having to knock down walls (If thats ever possible in a remodel lol) Thats when I ran into your idea! This is GREAT! Although my sons are 11 & 9 years old & the space we are working with is a little larger than yours I will be applying most of your ideas to ours! I do have a few questions. Is it ok to ask you?? lol
    Thank you so much for sharing,

  2. Pingback: diy bunk bed with desk under | Woodworking Projects

  3. Pingback: build your own bunk beds diy | Woodworking Projects

  4. Pingback: Diy Kids Loft Beds | Home Designs

  5. Pingback: Diy Loft Bed With Desk Plans | TedsWoodworking Review

  6. Pingback: Diy Loft Bed With Desk | TedsWoodworking Review

  7. Pingback: diy playhouse bunk beds |

  8. Pingback: diy bunk bed playhouse |

  9. Pingback: diy playhouse loft bed |

  10. I love the design and the closet proportions look like they could be about right to do this in my home as well. If you don’t mind, could you pass along the original closet dimensions? How are the kids liking the bunk beds these days? Thanks so much.

    • Sure! Glad you liked it!
      W 47
      H 33
      D 96

      Do, the width was obviously just a smidgen short for the mattresses, so we just took the drywall out of one end of the closet to gain the couple extra needed inches.

      Kids love the beds actually! They’re fun to sleep and play in! Haha!

      • Stellar, nearly exactly my closet dimensions! I see what you mean about the mattress size – cut into the drywall and use a standard 27″x52″ mattress means you can use standard sheets, waterproofers, etc, or cut a foam mattress to fit your space but then deal with the headache of a non-standard mattress size for the rest of the mattress’ life.

        Your solution sounds like the best option, a little heavier on the construction side but then a lifetime of easier cleaning and maintenance 🙂

  11. Pingback: 25 DIY Bunk Beds with Plans | Guide Patterns

  12. Pingback: 10 Free DIY Bunk Bed Plans - Cool DIYs

  13. These are great. Much like what what we’ve done in our place, only, we don’t have closets, so we built the length of the wall for a teenager and two little guys. Heads up though, it could be the angle or lighting, but the shelf up top appears to be bowing – might want to do a cleat or something to sure it up.

  14. Hello!

    I’m an Imaging Specialist with the information and advice site We’re publishing an article titled “World’s Coolest Bunk Beds”, and we just love this built-in design! I would love to include a high resolution photo of this one in our slideshow, (and of course we are happy to link back to you).

    Thanks so much in advance!

  15. Pingback: 34 Free Bunk Bed Plans That Save a Lot of Bedroom Space

  16. Can you give a list of your supplies? I know the measurements will be different, but I need to bring my hubby a supply list if I have any hopes of him jumping on board! Is the base just 2x4s in a rectangle with OSB on top? I LOVE these, thanks for sharing!

  17. Pingback: 68 Amazing DIY Bunk Bed Plans

  18. Wonderful DIY Thank you for sharing. Also kudos to you for replying to questions still! As I see you posted this 2012. That is amazing to me.

    • Ah thanks! I know I don’t blog much anymore… Not having kids who nap kinda killed it 🤪. I just can’t stand it when others don’t reply to my questions… Do unto others! 😊 I’m glad you liked our project!

  19. Pingback: 20 einzigartige DIY-Bettenpläne für Kinderzimmer – Pin Media

  20. Pingback: Woodworking Project Closet | Future Habitat

  21. Pingback: Woodworking Projects: 25 DIY Bunk Beds with Plans –

  22. Pingback: DIY Unique Built-In Bunk Beds! | 1000 – Modern

  23. Pingback: Bed Built Into Closet - Playroom Ideas

  24. Pingback: 22 Low Budget DIY Bunk Bed Plans to Upgrade Your Kids Room - DIY

  25. Pingback: 15 Space Saving Kids Bedroom Furniture Ideas & Plans

  26. Pingback: 63 Kids Bunk Bed Ideas - Teepee Joy Blog

  27. Pingback: 25 DIY Bunk Bed Plans That You Can Build This Week – seoteam marketing tools

  28. Pingback: DIY Kids Bed Plans You Can Make Easily - Craftsy

  29. Pingback: 25 Free DIY Bunk Bed Plans You Can Build This Week

  30. Pingback: 30 DIY Kids Bed Plans For Kid's Room - DIYsCraftsy

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